About Our Company

Company Overview

Albertson Consulting, the parent company of the COTS Big Picture™ Software, was established in 2000. Since its inception, Albertson Consulting has engaged in the business of software development, support and hosting. In 2003, we deployed our first Big Picture™ Software solution, and we have been licensing and supporting it for clients across the nation ever since. Customers consistently appreciate our ability to understand some of the many challenges they face with licensing requirements/regulations and legislative changes. Our licensure database management software provides a targeted approach and solution to all of these challenges. We produce excellent deliverables on-time and within budget.

In addition to mission alignment, Albertson Consulting brings a working knowledge of the business requirements and processes unique to the board's licensing needs. Our licensure database management software has been deployed to state regulatory boards, agencies and departments for over ten years. We have successfully worked with some of the largest associations of retired educators in the U.S. along with doing very specialized work for the National Air Transportation Association (NATA). Our customers, regardless of industry, utilize the same core database and components demonstrating the configurability of our software.

Albertson Consulting possesses over sixty years of cumulative experience in software database architecture, design and development. We specialize in delivering a world-class license management solution that improves business processes, increases efficiency and enhances overall board management

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Company Mission

Our goal is to provide the best possible solution that will increase productions, reduce redundancy; streamline processes to "Help Government Do More" building relationships one board at a time.

Company Vision

Big Picture Software develops and delivers guidance and vision in e-Licensing for government agencies. Combined with a successful track record of implementations, talented and visionary staff, a commitment to excellence a personal touch, we hope to always exceed our customers' expectations.

Company Values

  • Customer First
  • Accountability
  • Long Term Relationships
  • Teamwork
  • Trust & Responsibility
  • Credible
  • Responsiveness

Our Team

Daniel Albertson

Founder, CEO,

Troy Rauschenberger

Director of
Govt Markets

Doug Frazier

Senior Software

Tim Ingerson


Tenelle Vetter

Software Developer,
System Admin

Derek Schaible

System Admin,
Network Ops

Zoe Spooner

Project Manager,
Senior Online Services

David Hoffman

Project Manager,
User Experience

Melissa Helgeson

Project Manager,
Online Services

Brian Deaver

Project Manager,
Data Integrator